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Hot Cocoa House Blend
$16.00 $
Good Now Farms in house blend is made with mix of freshly pressed cacao powder from single origin beans, including Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico.
Good Now Farms are one of only a few chocolate makers who press their own cocoa butter! One of the many benefits of this time consuming process is that they are able to make this rich, incredibly flavorful hot cocoa mix from scratch in their own kitchen!
Most hot cocoa is alkalized, which means it’s washed with a solution of potassium carbonate. This process allows the cocoa powder to dissolve in milk or water more easily, but significantly alters the flavor. Alkalizing also removes a significant amount of the natural flavanols, which are compounds that play a significant role in the beneficial effects of eating cacao.
Good Now Farms cocoa is NOT alkalized. You may need to stir your hot cocoa a bit more vigorously but you’ll taste the unique flavor of the beans, and get the full benefit of cacao’s flavanols!
Origin Blend, 220g Bag
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- Description
Goodnow Farms Hot Cocoa House Blend is made with mix of freshly pressed cacao powder from single origin beans, including Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico.
- About the Brand
In words of Tom & Monica the founders of GoodNow Farms “We’re often asked “why single origin?" and the answer is simple – much like coffee, different cacao beans have different flavors. By using beans sourced from only one farm or region we’re able to highlight the distinct flavor characteristics of that particular bean. Discovering those flavors is one of the joys of making (and eating!) single origin chocolate.
We’ve spent a lot of time on farms throughout Latin America searching for the most flavorful beans, and have developed direct relationships with the farmers who grow and harvest them. By dealing directly with farmers we’re able to ensure that they’re fairly compensated for their cacao, and also that the farming practices they’re using are sustainable.
All of our bars are made here at our 225 year old farm in Sudbury, Massachusetts. We start with cacao beans and sugar, and perform every step of the chocolate making process in-house, including carefully hand wrapping each bar.
We believe that great chocolate is “true to the bean," in that the flavors apparent in the bar reflect the flavors hidden in the bean. The process of making this happen is extremely time consuming and labor intensive, but we believe the experience of eating our chocolate makes it all worthwhile."
- How to Use
Use as desired
- Ingredients
Cacao Beans, Organic Sugar