- Bookish Babble: Edna O’Brien, The Booker Prize, and MoreEdna O'Brien (1930–2024) "To read her is to know love; of words, of literature, and of life itself." Irish literary...
- Bits and Bobs: The Olympics, Fargo, Men vs. Bears, and AudenEven though the International Olympic Committee maintains the games aren't meant to be political, throughout history governments, contestants and the public have...
- Bits and Bobs: The Loveliest People in the World, Salman Toor Green, Mahmoud Darwish, & More...They know that life is mostly pain, mystery and error—and will never try to persuade you otherwise. They will never...
- Bits and Bobs: Susan Abulhawa’s 10 Rules for Living, TV Shows, Aristotle, & More"Happiness is overrated, and seeking it is a waste of time. A lobotomy will get you there quicker. Search for...
- In James by Percival Everett, Mark Twain’s Jim Writes His Own StoryIn our April 2024 Book Box, which has now sold out, we feature two new, highly anticipated releases from authors...
- January by Sara Gallardo: A Personal ReviewJanuary by Sara Gallardo, the second book in the February Book Box, is a slim novel, barely more than a...
- The Radical Sara Gallardo, Author of January"The first Argentine novel to represent rape from the survivor’s perspective and to explore the life-threatening risks pregnancy posed, in...
- Who Is Alexis Wright, the Author of Praiseworthy?The February 2024 Book Box features Praiseworthy, the fourth novel by Aboriginal Australian writer extraordinaire Alexis Wright. “How can one...
- Everything’s Coming Up Roses and Chocolate: Boxwalla’s Valentine’s Day Gift GuideIt's coming up roses (and chocolate) wherever we look. And with everything festive, we like to indulge a little, in...
- Bits and Bobs IXCover painting, La Lectora (The Reader) by Fernando Botero, the Colombian artist and sculptor who died at the age of 91 on...
- The December 2023 Book Box, with a Truly Special Gift Inside!The contents of the FINAL Book Box of 2023 is very dear to us. The December Book Box contains: Austrian writer...
- Boxwalla’s Holiday Gifting Guide 2023It's the ✨Holiday Season✨. The increasing coldness of the weather is surpassed only by the warmth of gatherings around the...