“I’ve been wondering why artists are required to dream up liberation in the gallery, but when that dream means life, we are shut down.”

Jasleen Kaur, a Scottish Sikh artist, has just been awarded the prestigious 2024 Turner Prize. She was nominated for Alter Altar (above), her exhibition of sculptural and sonic works held at Tramway in Glasgow and was the youngest artist on this year’s shortlist.

From Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs by Beth Ann Fennelly.

Say Nothing, based on Patrick Radden Keefe’s 2018 bestselling book of the same name, is set in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, the 1970s, 80s and 90s. If you liked Peaky Blinders, I think you’ll love this show, that is to say, if you don’t have a soft spot for the Irish in the first place.

I just started surfing lessons, it’s something I’ve always wanted to learn and living in Goa has finally afforded me the chance. Spoiler: there’s a lot of inelegant falling, but the few seconds of standing on your board and actually riding a wave are so ridiculously thrilling you wear your bruises with pride. I suddenly remembered this very gripping film I watched more than a decade ago: Surfwise. It’s the story of the eleven-member Paskowitz family, a doctor (and father of nine) who gave up practicing medicine to become a surfer. I should note here that it has a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, don’t let disinterest in surfing stop you from watching this excellent docu about the ‘First Family of Surfing’.

At the Solstice by Shaun O’Brien

from I Must Become a Menace to My Enemies
by June Jordan

I would love to hear from you—bouquets, barbs, brickbats—write to me at simar@theboxwalla.in should you wish to tell me what you love/loathe, want to read more/less of. I’d be glad to have your opinion of this newsletter, its design, and any suggestions you may have.