(This is the twenty-fourth dispatch of B’n’B, originally intended to go out on Christmas Eve.) A new year has snuck upon us, and the opportunity for re-evaluations and fresh starts, even if notional, is like tinsel that glitters in the dark. From all of us at Boxwalla, happy new year and thank you for having us around 🙂

A good time as any to re-read ‘The Gift of the Magi’, amirite?

Scent & Stockings by William Klein for British Vogue, 1956. And read this old Vogue piece, ‘In the Spirit’, in which former holiday cynic Salman Rushdie talks about how his blended family taught him to tolerate Christmas.

Somewhere Around Christmas by John Smith

The New Regime by Wendy Cope

I would love to hear from you—bouquets, barbs, brickbats—write to me at simar@theboxwalla.in should you wish to tell me what you love/loathe, want to read more/less of. I’d be glad to have your opinion of this newsletter, its design, and any suggestions you may have.